You've clicked "Save & Run Code" in your Hands-On lesson's Code Editor but the UI is only showing "Testing In Progress"
Troubleshooting Steps:
Confirm you only have one instance of the Security Journey Platform open at a time (our Hands-On lessons can experience issues within the sandbox if you have multiple instances open at the same time)
Hard refresh the Security Journey webpage
Does this resolve it?
Yes, great!
If this doesn't resolve the issue, proceed to step 3
Login to Security Journey from an incognito or inPrivate session
Copy your code changes & reset the sandbox
Next, paste your copied code into the code editor and save and run tests again
If this doesn't resolve it, reset the sandbox again and go to the code editor to run the tests against the default code
Does this resolve it?
Yes, great!
If this doesn't resolve the issue, move to step 4
Are you on a VPN?
If so, turn VPN off and refresh the page or reset the sandbox and try again
Does this resolve it?
yes, great!
If you cannot disconnect from VPN, our team may need to work with your site admin to explore our safelisting requirements