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Assessment FAQs

This article covers how to reset a learners assessment, removing learners from assessments and more.

Written by Ali Mazzotta
Updated today

How can I reset my learner's assessment?

  • Did your developer choose the wrong language when starting their Assessment?

  • Did a production issue prevent your developer from completing a timed Assessment?

No worries - the Assessment Reset feature can help with that! Navigate to the Assessment report by going to Admin > Reporting > Assessments and choose the Assessment your developer is in.

Then, click the 'Reset' link in the table by their name.

Your developer can launch their Assessment from scratch after you've reset!

*Please note that once a developer has completed an Assessment, they cannot be reset.

Can I remove a developer from an assessment?

Sometimes, resetting their progress is not enough, and you may need to remove a developer from their Assessment. You can do this by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Assessment in question: Admin > Assessments, and click on the name of the Assessment your developer is in.

  2. From here, navigate to the "Audience" step of the Assessment and click on the "Users Added" tab.

  3. Search for your user and click on the "Remove" button.

  4. Lastly, click "Save Assessment" below the "Next" button, and this developer will be removed from the Assessment.

What is a timed Assessment?

Timed Assessments require learners to complete an Assessment in a specific time (chosen by an Admin).

If assigned a timed Assessment, the learner must complete the Assessment in one session.

The timer begins once the Assessment is started and does not stop if the window is closed or the learner navigates away from Security Journey.

Learners will have a countdown in the upper right-hand corner of their Assessment until the clock runs out.

How long does an assessment take?

Admins can create a timed assessment (as discussed above) and choose how long a learner has to complete a given assessment but this is not required.

If you don't choose to time-bound an assessment, we are estimating it will take learners 90 seconds per question. ​

Total questions in each Assessment Category:

  • Secure coding =15​

  • Core security = 11​

  • Secure development & design = 13​

  • Grand total for all 3 categories in 1 assessment = 39 questions

Assessment Time to Complete Estimates

Secure Coding: 22 mins

Core Security Concepts: 16 mins

Secure Development & Design: 20 mins

What happens if I don't finish a timed assessment?

If you are assigned a timed assessment, the clock will continue to count down if you walk away from your computer, close the Assessment or tab/window. Any questions not answered in the allotted time would be given a 0%.

How does "Skip for now" work?

If you are stuck on a given question, you can "Skip" that question and come back to it at the end of your Assessment.

Simply click "Skip for now" and move on to the next question.

Once you have answered or skipped all questions in your assessments, you'll be given the opportunity to answer any skipped questions:

*Please note that any unanswered/skipped questions that are submitted will receive a score of zero.

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