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General Platform Settings

This article discusses the platform settings available to admins and how they impact what end users see when taking training

Rachel Yonan avatar
Written by Rachel Yonan
Updated over 2 years ago

Administrators have several general settings available to them in the Platform. These configurations will allow you to customize what content your end users see when they login to take training.

To view these settings, login to the platform and navigate to the Settings tab on the left hand menu.

Under General, there is a section labeled Content (see screenshot below):

These toggles allow you to control whether or not your developers are required to take coding tests, see all training available to the organization or access our coding challenges. We will break down those three settings below:

Coding Test Required

Many of our lessons have a coding component where you fix the vulnerable code in any of our supported languages. HackEDU has a set of automated tests that can check the validity of the patches that users submit, and when this "Coding Test Required" feature is turned on, users must submit a successful patch before the lesson is marked as complete. Turning this off removes the need to complete a coding test.


Show All Training

Organization's default setting is to show the All Training tab on the top menu bar.


If your account is an Admin account, you will always see the All Training tab, regardless of the Show All Training setting.

Multiple Organizations

If your account belongs to multiple organizations and any of those organizations have the Show All Training option on, the "All Training" menu item will be available for that user.


Show Coding Challenges

The Show Coding Challenges setting will show or hide coding challenges in the All Training tab of your developer's dashboard.

Why would you hide coding challenges?

Many organizations want to save coding challenges to use for assessments.Β In these cases, you may not want developers reviewing the challenges before they take an assessment.

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