Navigating the Map View

This article walks through the features available on the Security Journey Platform.

Dylan James avatar
Written by Dylan James
Updated over a week ago

Why A Map?

Every journey needs a map. Through hands-on and video lessons, challenges and competitions, Security Journey helps you progress through learning paths to gain higher level security knowledge. Here is an example of our Progressive Learning Levels:

  • Foundational: This training content will be about what vulnerabilities are

  • Intermediate: This training content can cover how to spot vulnerabilities within the code

  • Advanced: This training content can teach how to remediate vulnerabilities through a hands-on activity

  • Professional: This is where you apply your knowledge inside the organization, for example by evaluating security processes; in the professional level, you can take action with the knowledge you've =gained to have a meaningful impact on the organization

  • Expert: You've become a Security Champion and can be an instructor delivering security education sessions, and working as a liaison between security and development

Each island represents a different part of your journey - and as each path is completed, it opens a new level. Once you complete the Advanced level, you have a chance to earn your Champion Passport.

The map offers a full navigation experience that guides you through each path, mission, quest or tournament. The main pieces of the map are -- Islands, Legend, Spears, and Key.

The Islands

  • Each Island represents a different path in your journey.

  • The bottom-most island is the Foundational level and will be where you start.

  • The island on the left is what you will traverse for Intermediate level.

  • Advanced is the island on the top right.

Map Legends

  • Green Circle: The module video or transcript has been viewed and the assessment was passed with an 80% or higher. For our Break/Fix content, the coding exercise was completed successfully.

  • Brown Triangle: Module is in progress

  • Blue Diamond: Not yet started

  • White Hexagon: Optional

  • Highlighted Icon: Points you to your next module in your journey

Zoom In/Out

Zoom In and Out. Use the "+" in case you want to zoom in on a specific part of the map or use "'-" if you want to zoom out and have a view of the whole map.


The Bell symbol alerts you to notifications regarding progress, achievements, assignments, and tournaments.


Click on the User Symbol to access your User Profile. You can edit or view your profile details, change your password if your account is not configured for single sign-on, view your assignments, download certificates or even edit your notification settings.


This feature keeps track of all learner's points and you can see where you stand within your organization. You can also view other's current level, belt or climb.

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Full Catalog

This allowed you to browse all of our available content - you can also filter on

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Achievement Wall

Shows users' highest belt achieved

My Notes

Displays all of the notes you have taken per module.

More Menu

Provides you with quick access to your assignments and other key features. It's also where you can log out!


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