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Google Suite SSO Setup

This article outlines how to setup SSO with GSuite

Rachel Yonan avatar
Written by Rachel Yonan
Updated over a week ago

To get started, please log in to your Google Admin Console, and click "Apps."

Click "SAML apps".

Click "Add App" and "Add Custom SAML App".

Type "Security Journey" for App name and click "Continue."

Download Metadata file and click "Continue."

Use the following values for the Service provider details:

Entity ID: urn:amazon:cognito:sp:us-east-1_CHi5tsM8X

Start URL:

Use the following values for "Name ID:"

Name ID format: EMAIL

Name ID: Basic Information > Primary email

We do support mapping additional learner attributes. For more information on what fields we support and configuration details check out this article.

Click Finish.

Finally, you will need to upload your metadata file in the Admin Settings. You can locate this here.

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