Foundational: Cloud Engineer Foundational principles of application security for cloud engineers. (Video Only)Total Learning Path Duration: 4 hours and 11 minutesIntroduction to Security JourneyIntroduction to Security Core Security Concepts Attacks AttackersThreat LandscapeThe Hacker MindsetSocial Engineering Security MythsSecurity Culture and MindsetData BreachesSecurity Business CasePrioritizing SecurityTranslating SecurityRisk Managment for AppSecPrivacy and Customer Data Protection Dealing with Vulnerabilities Security at HomeTips for Secure Remote Work OWASP Universe Knowledge Sources Threat Landscape: CloudSecure Development LifecycleSix Foundational Truths of Application SecurityIntermediate: Cloud Engineer In-depth exploration of threat modeling, threats, and security controls for cloud engineers. (Video + Hands On) Total Learning Path Duration: 4 hours and 57 minutesSecurity RequirementsThreat Modeling BasicsThreat Modeling Process Threat Modeling ExamplesThreat Modeling ManifestoThreat Modeling (HackEDU)Input Validation Output EncodingAuthentication TheoryAuthorization Theory Logging and Exception Handling CryptographySoftware Supply ChainCWE Top 25 | Part 1CWE Top 25 | Part 2CWE Top 25 | Part 3CWE Top 25 | Part 4Static Application Security Testing (SAST)Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (HackEDU)Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) (HackEDU)Vulnerability ScanningNext Generation AppSec ToolsPenetration Testing and Bug BountyAdvanced: AWS (Cloud Engineer)Understand operational security, cloud security fundamentals, then understand AWS security topics covering S3 and EC2 hardening, access control, secrets management, and logging. (Video Only)Total Learning Path Duration: 4 hours and 59 minutesPenetration Testing and Bug BountyAppSec in an Agile World | Part 1AppSec in an Agile World | Part 2AppSec in a DevOps WorldSecurity Behaviors for DevOpsDesigning a Secure App or ProductThinking like a Penetration TesterAWS: Introduction to AWS SecurityCloud GovernanceAWS Five Cloud Security DisciplinesCloud Threat LandscapeAWS Security Top TenAWS Secure Access ControlAWS S3 HardeningAWS EC2 HardeningAWS Centralized LoggingAWS Managing SecretsAWS Security ToolsAdvanced: Azure (Cloud Engineer)Understand operational security, and cloud security fundamentals, then understand Azure security topics covering secrets management, logging, storage hardening, VM hardening, and security tools. (Video Only)Total Learning Path Duration: 4 hours and 1 minutePenetration Testing and Bug BountyAppSec in an Agile World | Part 1AppSec in an Agile World | Part 2AppSec in a DevOps WorldSecurity Behaviors for DevOpsDesigning a Secure App or ProductThinking like a Penetration TesterIntroduction to Cloud SecurityCloud GovernanceAzure Security Top 10Managing Secrets in Azure Part 1Managing Secrets in Azure Part 2Azure Centralized LoggingAzure Blob Storage HardeningAzure Virtual Machine Hardening Part 1Azure Virtual Machine Hardening Part 2Azure Security Tools Part 1Azure Security Tools Part 2Advanced: GCP (Cloud Engineer)Understand operational security, and cloud security fundamentals, then understand GCP security topics covering authentication and authorization, storage hardening, network security, and security tools. (Video Only)Total Learning Path Duration: 4 hours and 20 minutesPenetration Testing and Bug BountyAppSec in an Agile World | Part 1AppSec in an Agile World | Part 2AppSec in a DevOps WorldSecurity Behaviors for DevOpsDesigning a Secure App or ProductThinking like a Penetration TesterIntroduction to Cloud SecurityCloud GovernanceThe Five Cloud Security DisciplinesCloud Threat LandscapeGCP Security TipsGCP Authentication and AuthorizationGCP Logging and MonitoringGCP Storage HardeningGCP Managing SecretsGCP Network SecurityGCP Securing Virtual MachinesGCP Security ToolsGCP Securing Google Kubernetes Engine