How do you access your browser's console log? Locate your browser below for detailed steps:
Google Chrome
Directly open the Console panel with ⌘+⌥+J (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows).
You can also access this Console panel through Chrome's menu:
Open Chrome's customization menu in the top right of the browser (The Kebab menu, aka Three Dots menu bar)
Navigate to "More tools" -> "Developer tools"
Click the Console tab
The console logs are part of the Develop menu, which is disabled by default. To enable the Develop menu:
Navigate to Safari -> Preferences -> Advanced
Make sure the checkbox "Show Develop menu in menu bar" is checked
Once Develop menu is enabled, navigate to Develop -> Show JavaScript Console.
Microsoft Edge
Directly open the Console panel with ⌘+⌥+J (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows).
You can also press the F12 button to open the DevTools menu directly, and then navigate to the Console panel.
Mozilla Firefox
Directly open the Console panel with ⌘+⌥+K (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+K (Windows).
You can also navigate to the Console panel from menus by choosing Tools -> Browser Tools -> Web Developer Tools.