Learners earn or lose points for every action they take in the Security Journey Platform.
Points calculations are cumulative, this means that each quiz attempt adds or removes points from the learner's total. With one exception, we don't take away points for a lower quiz result on a subsequent try.
If the Rate Your Knowledge questions are activated in the Platform, learners earn 1 point each time they answer the question.
The following examples illustrate point calculations in some common scenarios:
Example A - Learner Improves Quiz Score over Multiple Attempts:
Quiz Attempt #1: Scores 60% = -50 points
70% or below fails
Quiz Attempt #2: Scores 80% = +80 points
Quiz Attempt #3: Scores 100% = +20 points
The difference between the last passing score and the current score
Total points for module = 50 points
Example B - Quiz Score Varies with Multiple Attempts:
Quiz Attempt #1: Scores 80% = 80 points
Quiz Attempt #2: Scores 60% = No points
There is no penalty since the first attempt is a passing score
Quiz Attempt #3: Scores 100% = +20 point
The difference between the last passing score and the current score
Total points for module = 100 points
Here's how we report this in the Platform:
A learner can find their User History by going to their User Profile > History.
Point Values:
Pass a Quiz with 80% questions correct + 80 points
Pass a Quiz with 90% questions correct + 90 points
Pass an Quiz with all questions correct + 100 points
Rate your knowledge prior to completing a lesson + 1 point
Rate your knowledge after completing a lesson + 1 point
Fail a Quiz for the first time - 50 points
Complete a quest + 500 points
Complete a path + 1000 points