NOTE: Applies to customers only
Adding HackEDU Break/Fix lessons to your custom paths is similar to adding existing content to a path. To make this as simple as possible, we've added a new filter to the path creation workflow, so you can easily find the HackEDU Break/Fix style content!
To update or modify one of your custom paths, you will login to and navigate to Admin > Paths & Quests > My Paths. From here, you can choose to create a NEW path or edit an existing path. Keep in mind, if you edit an existing path, you will be subject to path versioning and only new learners would have access to the new content. If you would want all learners to see the new content, our recommendation would be to delete the current path and recreate it.
All the new HackEDU Break/Fix content has "HackEDU" in the lesson name so you can easily search and find them as needed. For full details on what's covered in these lessons, you can leverage the Full Catalog feature.